vlr training

Software Testing

We are thrilled to invite you to our comprehensive Software Testing Training Program, focusing on both Manual Testing techniques and Automation using Java and Selenium. This training program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in software testing, covering fundamental manual testing approaches and advanced automation strategies.

Selenium Automation Testing using Java Online course Details

Course Duration

60 Days


8:30 AM IST

Mode of Training


Manual and Automation Selenium with Java Testing Course Content

  1. What is Software?
  2. What is Software Testing?
  3. What is Software Quality?
  4. Project Vs Product
  5. Why do we need Testing?
  6. Error, Bug & Failure
  7. Why does the software have bugs?
  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Spiral-Model
  3. Incremental and iterative model
  4. VV-model
  5. QA & QC & QE
  1. Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. UAT Testing
  1. System Testing
  2. GUI Testing
  3. GUI Checklist
  4. Usability testing
  5. Functional testing
  6. Object Properties Testing
  7. Database Testing
  8. Error Handling Testing
  9. Calculation & Manipulation Testing
  10. Links existence & links execution
  11. cookies & sessions
  12. Non Functional Testing
  13. Performance Testing
  14. Security Testing
  15. Recovery Testing
  16. Compatibility Testing
  17. Installation Testing
  18. Sanitation/Garbage Testing
  19. Difference between functional and non functional testing.
  20. Regression testing
  21. re-testing
  22. regression vs re-testing
  23. Smoke testing and sanity testing
  24. exploratory testing
  25. adhoc testing
  26. monkey testing
  27. Difference b/w exploratory vs adhoc vs monkey
  28. positive and negative testing
  29. positive vs negative TCs
  30. end to end testing
  31. localization and globalization/internalization testing
  32. Test Case Design Techniques
  33. Equivalence Class Partitioning
  34. Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
  35. Decision Table
  36. State Transition
  37. Error Guessing
  1. Test Planning
  2. Test Design/Development
  3. Test Execution
  4. Defect Reporting & Tracking
  5. Test Closure
  1. Agile Model
  2. Agile Methodology
  3. Scrum Process
  1. Create Stories and Sprint:
  2. Sprint Started
  3. Adding subtask to user story
  4. Test Management Activities
  5. Install Zephyr for Test Cases
  6. Create Test Cases
  7. Manually Adding steps/details to test case
  8. Importing test cases from Excel to Jira
  9. Creating test cycle and adding test cases to cycle
  10. Execute test case
  11. Create bug
  1. Installation of Java and Eclipse,Intellij
  2. Identifiers
  3. Reserved keyword
  4. Data types in Java:
  5. Types of Variables
  6. Operators in Java
  7. Flow control Statements- Conditional like if else statements and switch case
  8. Loop Statements – For, while, do while and enhanced for loop
  9. Strings and Arrays in Java
  10. Java methods – System and user defined
  11. Regular Expressions
  12. Classes and Objects
  1. Inheritance
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Abstractions
  4. Encapsulations
  5. Abstract Class method
  6. Interface
  7. Interface vs Abstract Class in Java
  8. Constructor
  9. Packages
  10. File Handling
  11. Exceptions Handling
  12. Static keyword
  13. “this” keyword
  14. Garbage Collection
  15. Collection Framework
  16. Multithreading in Java
  17. How to use Buffered Reader in Java
  1. Selenium and it’s History
  2. Download and Install Java and Eclipse
  3. Set up Selenium Environment with jar and Maven
  4. First Selenium Program
  5. Selenium WebDriver Architecture
  6. Launch Chrome, FireFox and IE browsers with Selenium WebDriver
  1. Basics of HTML for Selenium WebDriver
  2. Different WebElements on a WebPage
  3. Document Object Model (DOM)
  4. Locators in Selenium and Their Priorities
  5. How to Locate Element Using CSS
  6. How to Locate Element Using XPath
  7. What is ChroPath?
  8. What is SelectorsHub?
  1. Different WebDriver Commands
  2. Handle Radio Buttons and Check-boxes in Selenium
  3. Handle Dropdown in Selenium
  1. How to Perform double click and right click
  2. How to handle drag and drop in Selenium
  3. How to handle tooltip in Selenium
  4. Multi Select Actions in Selenium
  5. Mouse hover and Auto Suggestions in Selenium,KeyBorad actions
  1. Alert Interface and Handle JavaScript Alerts in Selenium
  2.  two ways to handle windows Authentication
  3. Different ways to upload  in Selenium
  4. Different ways of Scrolling in Selenium WebDriver
  5. Handle multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver
  6. Handling iFrames in Selenium Webdriver
  7. Waits in Selenium WebDriver
  8. How To Find Broken Links Using Selenium
  9. Handle  Date-picker in Selenium,Cookies
  1. How to capture Screen Shot in Selenium
  1. Introduction to TestNG – Features and Installation Guide
  2. TestNG Annotations – Different Annotations and their execution
  3. Different Attributes in TestNG
  4. Working with testng.xml
  5. Parameterization using TestNG
  6. Parallel Testing in TestNG
  7. Cross Browser Testing in TestNG
  8. Listeners in TestNG
  9. Assertions in TestNG
  1. Maven Introduction and Setup
  1. Introduction to Page Object Model(POM)
  2. Page Object Model(POM) Using PageFactory
  3. Data Driven Framework
  4. Introduction to BDD 
  5. Difference between TDD & BDD
  6.   Cucumber Framework
  1. Selenium Integration with Git and GitHub
  2.  Integration with Jenkins (CI/CD)

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