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VLR Training provides Python FullStack development with Django online Training in Hyderabad by Industry Expert Trainers. We provide Python FullStack development live projects to the students and also Every day Recorded sessions. 

Python FullStack development with Django Online Training Course Details

Course Duration

3 Months



Mode of Training


Python FullStack development with Django Online Training Course Details

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  • Fresher’s/Graduates
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Python FullStack development with Django Online Training Course content

◦ Python Content
◦ Python Modules
◦ Django Web Framework
◦ MySQL Database
◦ Bootstrap
◦ Java Script Concepts
◦ Jquery Concepts

1. Who should learn Python?
2. Advantages of Learning Python.
3. Python demand in current Industry
4. Python History
5. Python Features
6. Python Installation and path setting
7. Keywords and Comments in Python
8. Use of Quotes and different types
9. Indentation and Identifier
10.Variables and different ways to create variables
11.Variables and different ways to create variables
12.Reading input data from user
13.Strongly Typed and Weakly Typed Languages
14.Dynamically Typed and Statically Typed Language
15.Datatypes and Datatype conversions
16.Case Types and Examples
17.Operators in Python
18.Data Types and Data Structures
19.String Data Structure
20.List Data Structure
21.Tuple Data Structure
22.Set Data Structure
23.Dict Data Structure
24.Data packing and unpacking
25.Control Statements
26.Conditional Statements
27.Iterative Statements
28.Transfer Statements
29.Working with enumerate and format functions
30.Functions and types of arguments
31.Local and Global Variables
32.Lambda Expressions and different types
33.Python Comprehensions
34.File Handling
35.Moving File Pointer in the file.
36.Exception Handling
37.Creating user-defined exceptions
38.Iterators and Generators
39.Working with Decorators
40.Using Regular Expressions
41.OOPS and Techniques
42.Python Database Connectivity
43.Introduction to modules and types of importing modules
44.Working with some system defined modules
45.Working with calendar module
47.Introduction to web-scrapping

48.math module
49.datetime module
51.re module
52.os module
53.Introduction to Django Framework
54.What is use of Django Frameworks.

1. 10 Assignments on complete Python. (Objective Type Questions)
2. 25 Tasks on complete Python. (Program Based Questions)
3. Discussing multiple Interview Questions.

1. What is Framework
2. Relation between Python and Django
3. Different types of Python frameworks
4. Why and When Django Started
5. Django Features
6. Django installation
7. MVC and MVT Architectures
8. HttpRequest and HttpResponse
9. What is Django Project and Application
10. Django Views and Types of Views.
11. Django Models and Converting Model to Database tables.
12. Providing Database connection to Django Project.
13. How to perform CURD Operations on database tables?
  a). by using django ORM queries with Python console|shell
  b). by using django Admin site presentation
  c). by using django template language presentation
  d). by using database SQL curd commands.
14. Django Model Relationships.
  a). One To One Model Relationship
  b). Many To One Model Relationship
  c). Many To Many Model Relationship
15. Django Model Inheritances
  a). Abstract Model Inheritance
  b). Proxy Model Inheritance
  c). Multilevel Model Inheritance
  d). Multiple Model Inheritance
16. Django Advanced ORM Queries with examples.
17. Working with Django Template Language (DTL)
18. Designing different Templates
19. Different ways to create forms.
20. Working with different forms
21. Creating Institute Project
22. Django Static Files Concept
23. Django Media Files Concept
24. Pagination
25. Creating Employee Data Project by using Faker Module
26. Using Message Framework
27. Class Based Views and Generic Views
28. Creating Student Details Project by using Class Based Views.
29. Creating Employee Details Project by using Function Based Views.
30. Working with User model.
31. Caluculation Project
32. Cookie Management
33. Session Management
34. Cache Management
38. Virtual Environment
39. Github Concept
40. Django Main Project for creating Articles

  • HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
    1. Introduction to HTML
    2. HTML History
    3. HTML Basic Elements
    4. HTML Header tags and Paragraphs.
    5. HTML Table, List, Links, Images
    6. Paired and Unpaired tags
    7. Block level and inline level tags
    8. Attributes and Properties
    9. HTML Form Elements
    10. Using fieldsets and marquee tags
    11. All general HTML Tags
    12. Using HTML5.

1. Introduction to CSS
2. Why required to learn CSS?
3. Types of CSS Styles
  a).Inline Styles
  b).Internal Styles
  c).External Styles
4. CSS Selectors
5. CSS Properties
6. CSS Box Model
7. CSS3
8. Creating WebSite Menus using CSS

1. Introduction to Bootstrap
2. Bootstrap Containers
3. Grid Architecture
4. Layouts using Bootstrap
5. Bootstrap Forms
6. Components
7. Navigation menus

1. 10 Assignments on complete Python. (Objective Type Questions)
2. 25 Tasks on complete Python. (Program Based Questions)
3. 10 Tasks on Django Framework. (Project Based Questions)
4. 10 Tasks on UI Technologies(Presentation Based Questions)
5. Discussing multiple Interview Questions.

1. SQL Introduction
2. Relationship among Data, Database, SQL.
3. SQL Sub Languages
4. Data Definition Language(DDL)
  a).Creating Table
  b).Altering Table
  c).Dropping Table
d).Truncating Table
5. Data Manipulation Language(DML)
  a).Inserting Data in Table
  b).Updating Data in Table
  c).Delete Data from Table
6. Data Retrieval Language(DRL)
  a).Fetching Required or All Data from Table.
7. SQL Joins and Types of Joins
8. SQL Constraints and Types of Constraints
9. Interview Level Questions and Answers
10. Interview Level Queries

1. Introduction to HTML
2. HTML History
3. HTML Basic Elements
4. HTML Header tags and Paragraphs.
5. HTML Table, List, Links, Images
6. Paired and Unpaired tags
7. Block level and inline level tags
8. Attributes and Properties
9. HTML Form Elements
10. Using fieldsets and marquee tags
11. All general HTML Tags
12. Using HTML5.

1. Why required to learn Javascript
2. How to use Javascript
3. Where to use Javascript
4. Javascript Statements
5. Operators
6. Datatypes
7. Control statements
8. Functions
9. Classes/Objects
10.Event Handling
11.Validations using Javascript

1. Introduction JQuery
2. Why required to learn JQuery
3. Selectors using Jquery
4. Jquery Events Handling
5. Effects methods
6. Work with HTML elements
7. Tree Traversing
8. Operators
9. Datatypes
10.Control statements
13.Event Handling
14. Jquery Validations

Python with django Videos By JS.Rao Sir

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